Category Archives: Get Crafty

How to put up floating shelves

Create extra storage or a stylish display area in any room with smart floating shelves, with Style at Home’s easy how-to



Floating shelves are sleek, versatile and can provide invaluable extra storage if you lack floor space and just can’t squeeze in another piece of furniture. The brackets and fixings are hidden, making them ideal for minimal or contemporary schemes Continue reading How to put up floating shelves

Designing a Home on a Budget

Designing a Home on a Budget
Want to design your home or do a make-over but you do not have a budget? Don’t worry for you can still design your home even if you are low in budget. You just have to be creative. Look into your home’s storage area, scout for items that you can still use and do some retouches on it. But before you start with your makeover, clean your home first. You can also list down the Continue reading Designing a Home on a Budget

10 Uses for Wrapping Paper Scraps

You know that friend of yours who takes about an hour to open a gift? You know, the one who ever-so-carefully peels the scotch tape off the sides of the parcel, then slowly slides the box out of the wrap as to not tear or crease the pretty paper?


Well, we apologize in advance because that’s probably going to be you after learning about the amazing DIY projects that can be done with wrapping paper. We’ve discovered ten different ways to put those perfectly non-creased, non-torn scraps to good use.




Images courtesy of : 1. Shipping Stuffing on Instructables | 2. Bird Houses on Babble | 3. Clock on Harvey Happened | 4. Bookshelf Doll House on Projekt Home | 5. Picture Border on Etsy | 6. Beads on Instructables | 7. Paper Dolls on Instructables | 8. Paper Bows on BuzzFeed | 9. Chocolate Wrappers on Cora Anne Designs | 10. Wall Art on Better Homes and Gardens